
Wii'd Like to Play

My in-laws are here from Michigan. They arrived this afternoon, but tonight they came over to eat Chicago-style pizza, visit our cats, and play with our video games. We started with Guitar Hero, which is what Scott has been looking forward to all week (according to some sources). Mike was excited about having someone to play Wii Sports with. Scott and Kelly weren't all that excited about playing with the Wii, but they agreed to give it a try.

Everybody stopped playing about 1AM after I had to go to bed - I had class at 9AM the next morning and I knew I'd be a zombie otherwise. A good time was had by all. Even my mother-in-law and father-in-law got into the action. In fact, my father-in-law is making noises about buying one for his house.

This is a short video of my mother-in-law, Sandy, bowling. Mike was acting as her coach.

This is Scott and Mike boxing. My sister-in-law's favorite movie is Rocky and while she and I boxed, we played the Theme from Rocky in the background. Hilarious. You can still hear it playing while Mike and Scott box.

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