
Wednesday Night Hockey Fights

So Mike and I went to the Blackhawks game with our friend Sergio tonight. Awesome. Going to the hockey game is always fun, even more so with Serg. Somehow - without eating or anything, I managed to bite down on my bottom lip - good and hard.

It happens every so often. And when I bite my lip, it always swells up really, really huge.

The guys spent the evening making Angelina Jolie remarks and kidding me about how I could have randomly bitten my lip. I wasn't even eating.

I think I'm going to tell people that I got into a fight at the hockey game. This could work for me! :D


Football and Fried Rice said...

people pay big bucks for those lips:)

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

I was thinking the same thing---you could get regular collagen injections. Course, then you'd probably randomly bite them even more.---Who won?