
A Weekend Away

This weekend, Mike and I will be leaving exotic Chicago for the frozen tundras of Michigan to spend the weekend before Christmas with Mike's kith and kin.

I was going to make a joke about having to spend the weekend with my in-laws, but my mother-in-law sent me an email about how she is making me gnocchi for Christmas dinner. How can I be mean to that? Give me a day or two and I'm sure I'll be back in sarcastic shape. :D

Don't know how much I'll be posting this weekend, but I'll be back on Monday with lots of cool pictures (and hopefully a ton of loot!).

Merry (just before) Christmas weekend!


Football and Fried Rice said...

Hope you get LOTS of presents:=) I, too, love gifts!!!!! You'd swear we were blood.......

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

Sandy will be great with you guys there; she is like me in that she wants her family around her. I still don't know gnocci, so eat up!!! I, too, hope you get lots of gifts!!!
Have Fun!!!

SaNdY said...

HEY!!! Whaddaya mean, almost making jokes about spending time in lovely Chesterfield Township, Michigan with your adorable in-laws??!!!! Here's something you can be sarcastic about...I didn't exactly 'make' the gnocchi...I am a Polish girl, after all, and I did rustle up 32 huge homemade pierogis last week!! I did, however, personally choose the gnocchi (from the frozen food aisle) and will personally cook them for you!! How bout that?!