
Wedding Shots

So tonight I finally got my wedding pictures transferred from the cd they're on - to this spiffy (no longer new) computer that we have. I'd probably have done it months ago if I'd realized that the computer would transfer them automatically without me having to mess with them. I'm so uninformed.

A couple of wedding pictures before I go to bed. This first one is the memorial candle for my brother, Matt, which my mom bought us. (The candle, not the brother. I think him she got for free ;) ). I try to remember to light it again on his birthday and stuff.

This is probably my favorite of our wedding pictures. Matt's memory candle is shown here and the spacing of the picture is almost as though he's standing beside me - which I like to think he was.

And here's one with me and my big brother and my nephew, who looked especially dapper at my wedding in that tux. He's a handsome kid, what can I say? Gets that from my side of the family. :D

I'd post more, but it's going on 11pm and now that I work...well, if I'm not in bed by 10:30, I start to twitch a little bit. I'm so old. Mike and the cats are waiting for me. And if I nudge Mike when I'm crawling into bed, there's always a good chance that he'll say something amusing in his sleep. Monday night I bumped him as I crawled in and he mumbled something. Thinking he was actually talking to me, I said, "What did you say, babe?" To which he replied, "I told you to wait in the car. Can you wait for me in the car?"


SaNdY said...

I love that 'freshly wed' photo of you and Mike....sweet! :D

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

So did you? Wait in the car?
Glad to see you're getting back to normal--or rather, reaching your new normal.
Sara has a new site:
You are a dogauntie again. That Otis is a busy boy.....

Charlie said...

That's borderline mean - asking Mike "sleep questions" You mom used to do that to me - HOWEVER I always woke up when she would ask me something! THANKFULLY - L don't know what I might have blurted out if I'd remained asleep!

Football and Fried Rice said...

I love looking back at wedding pictures - it is, afterall, supposed to be the day that you are the most beautiful - inside & out! I loved looking at your pictures.