
The Demon Barber

Mike continues to surprise me, even after spending the majority of the past twelve years as a couple. Tonight he suggested we take in a movie. Also at his suggestion, we decided to see Johnny Depp in Sweeney Todd - which I thought was an odd choice for Mike. I knew of the play, but I'd never seen it. I was aware, however, that it was a musical.

As I watched them sing their way through the story on screen, I continually thought to myself, "Oh, Mike is hating this right now." After the show, I turned to him and said, "So how bad did you hate this?" Mike looked at me, sort of surprised, and said, "I didn't hate it. I thought it was a pretty good movie." Really? I was floored.

Just when I think I've got him figured out, he flips the script on me.

1 comment:

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

Seriously? He loved "Rust never Dies". That's a musical! LOL
Not exactly sure about opera myself.
Thanks for the deck of cards for my collection!!!