
A Plea for Relief

The people in charge need to finish fixing our bedroom floor. It's been ten days since we've been able to sleep down there. The landlord, instead of hiring a couple of burly gentlemen to come over and knock the floor out in one day, has given the task to the "manager" to do. Dave works full time - so the first few days he couldn't make it over. Then on Tuesday, he got off of work early for the holiday and he came over and worked several hours. Then he spent his whole fourth of July working on it also. But he's not done. The room's pretty big. The middle's pretty well done. He needs to do around the stairs and the closet and along the walls. But then he didn't show up yesterday. He had to go back to work and I don't know if he didn't feel like finishing it up last night or what...but I'm getting pissed now. I feel like we've been really patient - which is not my strong point anyways.

I haven't had a real night's sleep in forever. Mike's got the couch and I have the guest bed. Now I don't mind the guest bed but the air conditioning has a hard time getting to the spare room and I can't sleep when I'm hot. Last night was awful. I finally felt like I could sleep about 4 am and woke up at 7 am so hot that I stumbled out into the living room to cool off. (I only remember this vaguely, btw - I was so tired.) I remember seeing Mike's alarm clock and thinking it was almost time for him to get up. I nudged him awake and asked him what time he had to get up. "7:20," he said. I think I said something like, "Ok, I'll wait." And then I lay down on the floor next to the couch and went back to sleep. Mike woke me back up and said he'd get up now and that I should lay down on the couch. I did a face plant into the couch. Mike must have taken his shower and gotten dressed because the next time I saw him, he was ready for work. At my request, he wakes me up every day before he goes to work. But even though I have asked him to wake me up and let me know he's leaving, this morning I distinctly remember thinking, "Leave me alone." He asked me if I was feeling better now that I'd cooled off. Then he kept talking to me - I have no idea what he said. I honestly don't remember a word of it. I must have said something funny because I remember him laughing - but have no clue what it was...or even what he asked me or said to me.

I'm tempted to call the landlord and tell him that until he gets the floor fixed, Mike and I are checking into a hotel and sending him the bill. I think ten days is long enough to have a sore back and a stiff neck.


SaNdY said...

To quote Bill Clinton, 'I feel your pain' It's torture to try and sleep when you're hot...and when you wake up during the night, it just reminds you all over again that it's HOT...hopefully, Dave has the weekend off from his outside job and will be able to finish your floor this weekend...I'm hoping for you!!

Football and Fried Rice said...

Holiday Inn - Here we come!!