
Happy Birthday!

Happy, happy SIXTEENTH birthday to my nephew, Caleb! This first set of pictures was taken about 14 years ago! My mom took Cal down to the mall to have his picture taken. They set up that last picture with the paint splattered all over and the photographer asked Caleb, "Did you do that?" - about the paint. Caleb shook his head to indicate that it hadn't been him. Then, deciding that there was no way he was getting blamed for something he didn't do, Caleb would periodically say, "Who did dat, Memo? Who did dat?"

A couple of more recent pictures. The top one from baseball a couple of summers ago and the second is him trying on his tuxedo last year when he was in my wedding.

Happy birthday, Cal! Be sure and send him an email to congratulate him on making it to 16! And then get the hell off the road because here he comes! :D


Football and Fried Rice said...

I can't believe that Caleb is "16"..sadly, I remember him being a "little" guy!! They grow so fast;0) (how cliche..)

SaNdY said...

Happy 16th, Caleb! Not much farther to 21!!