

Last weekend we had a real bookapalooza at our house! And since I didn't purchase the books, there was nothing Mike could say about it! HA!

First, during the week (last week), I got this great book from my cousin, Sara! Thanks, Sara! I was very excited when I got it and when I was showing it to Mike, he pointed out that I was petting it like it was one of the cats. What? Doesn't everybody do that?!

And then my birthday present from Kristie finally came in the mail last Saturday! YaY! Harry Potter! I still haven't started it yet, though. After the trauma from reading Book 5, I was reluctant to read Book 6 until I knew I could read book 7 without the horror of a super long wait for it to be published. I meant to read 6 during July before 7 came out but with school, the flood and all that jazz, I never got around to it. Then, after a discussion with my friend Leigh (during which I couldn't remember parts of book 5), I decided to read my way through the whole series again. I read Book 1 on the 21st and then had final exams. I read book 2 on July 27, book 3 yesterday (the 28th) and I've started book 4 today.

Oh, yes...and Happy birthday to Sara's big boy, Cole, today! And happy birthday to my big (nephew) boy, Caleb tomorrow! (I'll have to steal pictures and post them later - I'm in Michigan right now).


Linda ★ Parker's General said...

Congrats on receiving the books---always nice to be remembered, isn't it? Thanks for mentioning Cole. He will get a kick out of that. Are you sure that good looking young man in the picture below is Uncle Mike? He sure is cute. I guess good looks do run in your family?!!

Football and Fried Rice said...

I don't "pet" my new books, but I DO smell them. I thumb through the pages with the book right by my face so I can smell the new pages..what? doesn't everyone do THAT?

SaNdY said...

I like your Baseball shirt, Cindi! And you claim you're not a fan!!!

SaNdY said...

And since Cindi and Sara both confessed how they treat a new book, here's my book fetish: when I buy a new book, I have to choose the most perfect copy: no creases, dents, folds or any other minor imperfections allowed! I am a very picky book picker!