
Clutter, clutter, go away...

Mike will be mad at me when he finds out that I took a picture of this and put it up on the blog. Buuuut, as you can see, I'm cleaning out my books. This is the stack of books that I still have sitting on my living room floor. After Mike took out four trash bags full of books and threw them away. Four. I guess there is something to be said for getting rid of some of the clutter. Despite the fact that I told him to do whatever he wanted to with the books, I felt a little sick to my stomach when I realize he'd just thrown them away. So my friend Allyson is coming by to go through what's left to see if she can give some of them a good home.

Here is the end result. These are all the books I own now. Normally I would have three empty bookcases but thanks to the flood, I only have the one that my dad made. It was made of sturdy enough wood to survive sitting in the water.
Then landlord has decided not to put down carpet downstairs. Instead, the "manager" is putting down vinyl tile. This is what our bedroom currently looks like. Dave is supposed to be finishing it up tomorrow so we can put our furniture back in the room. I can't wait until I can sleep in my bed again. Mike and I both are a little tired of sleeping upstairs.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

MIKE!!!! you threw away BOOKS???? two words of wisdom for you: SALVATION ARMY. grr.

tile floor huh? is that b/c they are planning on it flooding again?? well...at least you can rollerskate down there now if you want. :P