
I've Got To!

So tomorrow I have to go shopping. Perhaps you didn't read me correctly. I have to. I'm so excited. Mike has asked me to go shopping with him tomorrow. Granted, we're not supposed to be buying things for me...but really, that's the inevitable result, isn't it?

Apparently the four women in Mike's work group all have July birthdays. On Friday we're going to go out for dinner to celebrate and he needs to have gifts. Everyone chipped in to get his boss, Arlene, a really nice gift - so that just leaves the three other ladies. Now Mike...being a man...has no idea what to get them and so has called in my expertise in the matter. It became clear that he really needed my help when I realized that he did not know the difference between Bath and Body Works and The Body Shop. Both wonderful stores - but different.
I can't wait!

1 comment:

SaNdY said...

Have fun shopping, Cindi! And, by the way, I'm honored to be listed as one of your favorites! Thank you!