
Open Letter

An Open Letter to the Blonde Chick sitting behind us at the ballgame:

You were without a doubt one of the most obnoxious people that I have ever had the misfortune to meet. I know that I am not the most patient person on the planet - I get that from my mother. And I am getting a little older - it's true that I am a little more crotchety than I used to be. But there are a few things that I feel need to be addressed.

First of all, you may notice that we can't see your face in this picture. That's because A) Mike and I moved after sitting in front of you for only half an inning and B) you never SHUT YOUR MOUTH...you were in that position for the entire game! I know it's a ball game - we're all there to have fun. It's nice that you could get your friend to go with you but is it necessary for you to go to a baseball game in order to talk about the bridal shower you are throwing for a different friend? Don't you have a phone? Call her when you get home, ok - some of us are trying to watch the frigging game.

Also, why are you making your friend have a bridal shower? If I had to hear one more thing that you were trying to force her to do, I was going to sweep kick your legs out from under you. It's HER bridal shower. So she doesn't want to wear a veil out in public. So she doesn't want to wear a tiara or a sash at the bar. So she doesn't want to wear penis-shaped earrings. And, by the way - it's a family event...maybe you didn't have to shout "penis." Just a suggestion. Not wanting to wear these things does not make her a "bitch"...maybe she's shy. Maybe it's just not her thing. And if you think she's a "bitch" - then why are you planning a shower for her? JUST SAY NO. And by the way - your friend's offer to take the penis-shaped earrings "if she isn't going to take them" really creeped me out. What is WRONG with you people?

Also - please do not use the words "I am in charge of flair for the party" ever again. The first time you said it, I rolled my eyes...but, had I liked you even an infinitesimal amount, I might have laughed. I, too, have seen the movie Office Space - I enjoy a good movie quote joke. But the fact that you kept feeling the need to repeat the line over and over in an attempt to recreate the moment when your friend laughed...it's just sad.

In closing, I spent the entire time I sat in front of you wishing I could elbow drop you. Luckily for you, Mike kept me from getting rude. Take my advice, though - be considerate. Next time you act ignorant you might not be so lucky.


Linda ★ Parker's General said...

WOW!!! There are some rude people out there. My pet peeve right now is people talking on their cell phones in public as if no one else in the world can hear them. So rude! Why would anyone care about strangers business? I am sorry that this insensitive duo spoiled your fun but at least, you were able to move. I'm sure Mike didn't enjoy it either. And congrats to him for being able to "hold" you back. We know how it goes with a woman scorned!

Football and Fried Rice said...


SaNdY said...

I can't agree with you and Linda more!! But ya know what's scary?? The blonde chick in the picture sure looks like Kelly from that angle!!!

Sassy said...

Whoa - she does, doesn't she. It wasn't her, though - I'm pretty sure I'd have noticed. :D

Kelly said...

AUGH! it wasn't me! i'm innocent.

are you sure she wasn't talking about a bachelorette party?? i don't think you need the private part paraphanalia (NO clue on the spelling) for a shower.

Sassy said...

I think they were discussing both. The veil was for the bridal shower but I think the rest of it was for a bachelorette party. My mom wouldn't have been offended but I do believe the general rule is "no superfluous penises around your mom." Your meaning "your" in general...and not specifically Sandy. (Hi, Sandy) :D

SaNdY said...

Hi Cindi! =] I'm not offended by that sort of talk, either, it's nothing I haven't heard before, but there's a time and place for talk about things like that and a ball game (or other public place where moms, kids and grandmas are within earshot) is NOT the place!! Too many kids and young adults have no sense of decency, nowadays and I don't blame them as much as I blame their parents...they were never taught that some language is unacceptable in public...