
A Notice

It is approximately 1:30 A.M. and I have just finished answering all of the mail in my Inbox. Huzzah! I love it when I've whipped through them all and can feel that I've accomplished something.

Which brings me to my point. If you have emailed me and haven't heard back...let me know. I've officially answered everything that I have marked as "response required." If I haven't answered you and I owe you an email, it probably means that I mistakenly marked your email for archival.

Now I know what you're thinking..."But, Cindi...you're as close to perfection as is possible from a mere human being." Yes, I know...but heed these words of wisdom, dear reader. Even I...albeit rarely...do make an occasional mistake. Did I mention that it's 1:30 in the morning and I've been running around in the hot sun all day? I think I'm a little slap-happy.

What was my point? Oh, yeah. If I owe you an email and I didn't respond...just send me a note. I'll be sure and get back to you ASAP.


Kelly said...

you don't owe me any emails...just $500 remember?

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

we're square.