
The week in review...

Let's revisit my New Year's Resolutions to see how I'm doing so far.

Cindi's New Year's Resolutions
In 2007, I resolve to:
*Go to the gym at least three times a week - ok, I didn't make it three times this week but I have worked out. Sinus infection + short week has sidelined me. I didn't do it yet, but I anticipate being able to do this.

*Drink more water and less pop - Ok. I did really good on this one until this weekend. I've been drinking so much water that I'm starting to make dolphin noises. Then we went to Michigan where there's pop to be had and I went a little nutso. I'll be back on the wagon starting tonight and, since I have been drinking more water and less pop, I'll chalk this one up as a victory - but I won't buy myself a congratulatory present on this one. Compromises, people. :D

*Stop taking Mike for granted - Little PO at Mike right now, NEXT!

*Go to church every week - Sadly lacking in the God dept. this week. Went to Scott's surprise party and stayed out until after 4 am so I didn't make it up in time to make mass. Better luck next week.

*Answer emails in a more timely fashion - Well, since absolutely no one has emailed me this week, I am going to ring this one up as a victory also - am confident that I would have answered quickly had I actually received an email. And by the way, where's the friggin' love, people? (Except for Allyson - I did exchange e-mails with her. And I did answer her back right away, so I win! Woo hoo. One to nothing!)

*Do one load of laundry every week day AND fold it AND put it away, as opposed to doing it and leaving it sit in a basket so that it gets wrinkled - Yeah...laundry. Wow. Pooped the bed on this one. ;)

*Dedicate at least two hours each day to studying - Currently not applicable. School begins on Jan. 16. Stay tuned on this one.

*Go out to eat no more than one time per week - I nailed this one! YES!!! Being poor does have a perk as far as New Year's resolutions are concerned.

*Eat fast food no more than once per month - Had Arby's on Friday night. That would mean I lasted five days into the New Year. Almost blew it last night when I was super craving Taco Bell at 4 a.m. but luckily Mike was too tired to take me...hence saving me from (so far) breaking this resolution. Go Mike! (You heartless bastard, leaving me to starve. :D)

*Go to the library more and the book store less - Yes! Haven't been to the book store in the New Year. Last visit, Dec. 31.

*Knit everyone in my family something for next Christmas - Working on it

*Learn to crochet - Not yet.

*Write in my journal three times a week - Um...no. Sorry.

*Be more positive in my blog entries - I think so, yes.

*Blog at least three times a week - Oh, yeah. Big time. I rule you!

*Try not to nag as much - I have not noticed myself nagging at all. Check.

Final tally? About even right now but moving in the positive direction...I think. :D Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good job, Cindi!!! That's a great start!!! You hardly 'pooped the bed' at all!!! Hehehe!!