
Cat Stew Again

I love having cats. Today after Mike and I worked out, I lay down to try and catch a few winks before I have to head off to my dentist appointment and Furio curled up against the back of my legs. Snug as a bug in a rug. Because Furio's so persnickety as a general rule, I really feel warm and fuzzy when he singles me out for attention - such as laying on me and snuggling while we sleep. Then I realized that I had left my water sitting on the desk and I'd have to get up and get it.

I said, "Furio, I have to get up." and started to move around hoping to dislodge him. Nothing. He wasn't going anywhere. It was like having a mack truck laying on the blanket. Finally, I had to literally crawl on my hands and knees to the head of the bed, contort my body and slide out. As soon as I was done with my acrobatics, Furio looked at me from his perch on the bed, stood up and hopped to the floor where he proceeded to stretch like a marathon runner.

I looked at him disbelievingly and said, "Why, you little son of a bitch." I swear to God - he turned his head and smirked at me as he left the room, swishing his tail behind him.

Sometimes I want to trade him in for a dog so bad.


Anonymous said...

OMG! This made me laugh out loud because I could see it!! I'm telling you: Cats know when they're being bad and naughty and getting your goat!! And they have the nerve to hold grudges.

Let me have a shot at the trivia: 57?

I'm lame. I could totally look that up on the 'net! heheheh

Love you.


PS. An email will follow to you. Love you guys.

Kelly said...

ahhhh yes...cats. one of nature's many enigmas. silvio does that too. and if i try to move him myself (so he doesn't have to actually go through the trouble of moving himself) he bites me. but i love em!