
I missed a day!

Oh, hell. I missed a posting day. I'd been gloating to myself all week. "Self," I'd say, "You've been so good this week. You've posted every day - sometimes multiple times with interesting little tidbits that are going to make people think you are such an interesting person. Then they'll be dying to get to know you and you'll become a celebrity of Jennifer Aniston-ian proportions, at least in blogging circles. Of course then I'd remember that only about five people read this blog - five people who already know me. But it did little to dim the satisfaction I felt in posting every day for an entire week. And then, as Mike says, I "pooped the bed" by not posting yesterday. I adore it when he talks about how he messed something up and then says, "I really pooped the bed on that one." I love it. I adore it. I want to marry it but I'm already married. I don't know why the phrase amuses me so much - it simply does. So deal with it.

So why didn't I post yesterday? I have no answer. I could say it was because we were traveling to Michigan last night (which is true) - but truthfully, I had until about 5 pm to kill before Mike got home and we actually started traveling. Yesterday, I did very little. Slept late and lay around the apartment, mostly. I do have a huge sinus infection which is giving me the worst headaches. I guess I just didn't have anything interesting to blog about. Not that I do today - I just feel that I owe it to myself to post.

I stole this from Allyson. I read it on her blog and I was like, "Yes. That's exactly right." And I wanted to share.

Books: I’m one of those boring people who gives a lot of books as presents. I don’t think that a book is a boring gift, I think a book is the most amazing gift. Whenever someone gives me a book, to me it means that when they were reading the book they thought of me, or when they looked at the book again they thought that I would like it. There is an intimacy to giving books that is deeper than when you give a movie or a CD, because you devote so much of your time and energy to reading a book, more so than listening to music or watching a movie. I love books so much that I even love to read a book that I hate. That is love.

Oh - did I mention that my birthday's coming up in March? Kidding, Mike - lighten up! Next thing you know I'll be getting yelled at for soliciting presents online again.

The birthday dilemma continues. I've decided that I'd like to do something the night of March 16th and do a sort of a "countdown to Midnight/my thirties" New Year's Eve style - but I'm still struggling with the "tacky to throw your own birthday party" thing. I could make Mike do it but, please...everybody'd know I'm the puppet master behind that one. Maybe I should just oust proper etiquette and hope that people simply think I'm getting eccentric in my old age. Of course, I'm poor. When you're poor people just think you're crazy. Rich people are the only ones people label as eccentric.

Back to knitting for a moment. Have I mentioned how much I am really loving being able to knit various ricketa-racketa? This week it's socks! I've been "ribbing" the top of a sock for the past couple of days. It's homework that Allyson gave me to do before going to my sock class next week. I have always hated ribbing because I normally stink at it but amazingly, my abilities seem to have grown exponentially over the past few months. I could be on the tv show, Heroes, as the chick with the amazing knitting powers. "Save the cheerleader, save the world." But I'm getting off point. I do that so frequently anymore - it's aging...I know it. Either that or adult onset A.D.D. What was I talking about? Oh, yeah. Socks. I'm loving it! I think it's the fact that it's socks. I've always luuuuuuuuuuuuuuurved socks. They have the kavorka to me. For those of you who did not watch Seinfeld and have somehow managed to avoid the re-runs, that means "lure of the animal." I've got a little over 2 inches of the sock knitted and I keep showing everyone how it could be the top of a sock OR the ribbed cuff of a sweater (all you have to do is slip it on your wrist.) What is it? Sock or sweater? I dunno! What's that? "Red team go! Red team go!"

Speaking of Jennifer Aniston (were we? Yes we were - pay attention!), did you know that she played me in a movie? That's correct! Her character in Derailed was named Lucinda Harris. Yeah, ok, so it technically isn't about ME, per say. But it's still my name - or was until I got married! I haven't seen the movie but I think someone told me something about her character cheating on her husband. Which does remind me...if Mike asks, dear reader, I was with you all last week. Hee hee. Oh, yeah, right - like I'd ever cheat on dear, sweet Mike.

Mike's wanting the computer so he can play Texas Hold'em. Now THERE's another fine example of kavorka...but that's a post for another day.

Until we meet again, dear reader (I just like saying that), "keep your stick on the ice."


Anonymous said...

so i see i was right! you WERE drinking - even before scott's party! he he!

Anonymous said...

You probably didn't know it (well now you do cuz you were just visiting and I told you), but I do read your posts, not daily, but I catch up when I can. I'm just an observer in the background...reading, laughing, and thinking my cousin found himself a great gal! I'm not one to usually post, but just wanted you to know "for the record" that I do read your blog when I can. ;)And I bet there are others that do the same!

Unknown said...

Laurie: You need to start posting comments regularly!! I know that Cindi has to get tired of reading comments from us 'regulars', like me, Kelly, Cindi's dad, Robin, etc. C'mon, Laurie, spice it up!! I have a feeling you'll get hooked on commenting, like I have!!

Anonymous said...

I confess that I, too, am hopelessly addicted to and amused by the phrase 'poop the bed'....in fact, to prove it, I'm going to purposely screw something up just so I can tell people that I 'pooped the bed'....too bad my kids are already raised....