
I quit - but now I'm back...maybe

Last week, I quit the blog. I told Mike it was now his responsibility to post and that I'd be directing everything his way. You see how successfully he's been keeping up with it. So I guess I'm back - maybe. I've got some blog burnout going on. We'll see how well I do - I've got so much homework to do for next week - case briefs, research paper, two tests and a ton of reading. Bleh. Now I remember why I was glad to graduate.

But for now? Bed. Sleepy time. Goodnight.


Kelly said...

come back! we need you!!!!!!!!!!! we need YOU!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, come back!!! I'm picturing the kid (forgot his name) who gets his tongue stuck to the pole outside in the Christmas Story movie....as it's stuck to the pole, and the school bells rings, his friends, including Ralphie, start to walk away ('THE BELL RANG!' says Ralphie) the kid forlornly keeps saying 'Come back, come back'...that is all of your collective readers, Cindi, begging you to come back....but after you do your homework!!!

Unknown said...

I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog, it tells a lot about you, things I may not otherwise know...but I've been disappointed that Mikey has not been blogging, as he is a good blogger also...are you hogging the blog?? Please do not quit, I miss you already! Luv, AB