
This is insanity!

So you may have noticed that I haven't been blogging about my workouts. It's not that I haven't been going - I have. Not as often as I should, of course, but I've been going. Blogging about it simply bores me now. There's only so many clever things you can say about the people who frequent our gym without feeling very sad for them trapped in their little yuppie lives. Or for their children who get told things like, "That's not appropriate" whenever they move or do anything remotely kid-like.

I've been quite concerned about my school schedule in the fact that three nights a week it will conflict with our normal work-out times. It was decided that we could go the two nights I wasn't in school for sure and I told Mike that I'd just have to go during the day one day while he was at work. Mike, of course, can go any night while I'm in school to make up his third day. Mike then said, "That's alright - we'll get up early one morning and go before I go to work." It took everything I had within me - every scrap of willpower - not to snort in his face. He says that NOW but when 4:30 in the am rolls around he'll be hitting the snooze button and heading for dreamland. I mean, c'mon! Anybody who knows Mike knows that he doesn't roll out of bed a milli-second before it's absolutely necessary and semi-frequently AFTER it's absolutely necessary. He's a master of the 30-second "Oh-hell-I-slept-in-and-can't-be-late-for-work" shower. I always want to sniff him after one of these speed showers because I think to myself, "There's no way you can be clean." But then I remember that _I_ don't have to smell him all day and my motto is "Not clean? Not my problem."

Anyway - due to school schedule, not feeling well and general bleh-y feelings, I hadn't been able to work out at all this week and with the MLK holiday, I have a Friday class this week which would mean no workout at all this week. Sooooo, we rolled out of bed at 4:45 this morning and got dressed to head to the gym. And I loved it! They're just opening up at 5:30 when we got there and we were the first ones there. There were maybe 4 people at the gym for most of the time we were working out. At 6 when we were finishing up, it was just starting to fill up but we were done and on our way home. Awesome.

Also awesome was the fact that I started on the treadmill and was clipping along when I realized that it seemed way too easy. I checked my heartrate and found it was only 129! Faster than normal? Definitely. At my target heart rate? Not even close. I had to beef it up extra today to hit my target heart rate. I almost said something like, "You're MY bitch now!" to the treadmill ...maybe something a little Uncle Junior-esque, like, "Next time you come heavy or not at all!" but stopped before I made a total ass of myself.

Not that you'd really notice the difference otherwise - I've actually gained three pounds. Muscle mass, I say! Muscle weighs more than fat. It's from my thighs of almost-steel.

Ok, that's all for now. I must nap - I have a dentist appointment at noon and class tonight. No way can I function for the rest of the day on 4 hours of sleep. Goodnight - I'll see you all at a reasonable hour of the day.

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