
For Bren - all info courtesy of Wikipedia

Jerry O'Neil Lawler (born November 29, 1949) is a professional wrestler and wrestling commentator, known throughout the wrestling world as "The King". He currently works for World Wrestling Entertainment as a color commentator for its RAW brand. He also wrestles and occasionally commentates for the Memphis Wrestling promotion.

"Feud" with Andy Kaufman

Lawler may be best known for a publicized feud with Andy Kaufman, that was later revealed to be completely contrived (kayfabe or a "total work" in wrestling parlance). The truth about it being a work was kept secret for more than 10 years after Kaufman's death, until the Emmy nominated documentary A Comedy Salute to Andy Kaufman aired on NBC in 1995.

On the television show Late Night with David Letterman in the early 1980s, Jerry was in an interview with comedian Andy Kaufman. The two engaged in a shouting match, and Jerry got up and slapped him. No lawsuit was filed. It was later stated by The King in his 2002 book "It's Good To Be The King....Sometimes" that the entire incident was staged, at the request of Andy, in order to further the wrestling angle between the two.

The feud, including the Letterman incident, was dramatized in the Andy Kaufman biopic Man On The Moon in which Lawler played himself.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ohhhhh, I should have checked with Uncle Richie...he knows all about those wrestlers!!! And that Jackal info, I really scrolled fast thru that, it was particularly boring. sorry!
Luv, AB (Aunty Bren!)