
The Saga Continues

He wasn't gone, but I told the super that I was leaving and that he was in charge of supervising the guy and making sure our doors got locked when the guy left. No problem there...but...

Well, the new medicine cabinet is pretty cool. The mess that the guy left behind...not so much. The dirty sink and vanity that Mike just cleaned and polished yesterday looks like this. (And yes, that is my cat trying to lick up the dirty water...silly cats.)

The holes he left in the wall where he put in a new outlet. Mike is flipping out about this one. We're calling the super to find out exactly when we can expect someone in to patch this up.

The tiles he had to take off to cut a big enough hole for our new medicine cabinet and never replaced. They laying stacked (dust and grime coated) on our heater for someone else to put back up.

The towel rack he pulled half of off and left laying on our bathroom floor. Again - not super pleased about this one.

The state in which he left our brand newly refinished bathtub.

So far the landlord and the super have been really good about getting people in to fix things right away and working with us to get everything the way we want it, so we're trying not to freak out just yet. I'm just curious as to whether or not they knew he was going to leave the place looking like this. I don't even mind cleaning up after the guy. Mike's so anal about cleaning that he'd have to re-clean everything anyway. But the big holes in the wall are another story.

We're going away overnight to Iowa. Mike put his phone through the washing machine with his pants. Let's just say he didn't find it as funny when he did it. Luckily, we have a spare phone that we can switch out. We just have to go to Iowa to do it since we're on a family plan with my dad. We're calling Leo in the morning to straighten everything out and hopefully we will come home to non-extra-ventilated walls.

Here's hoping!

1 comment:

Football and Fried Rice said...

it is a good thing that you are getting away for the weekend; sounds like you guys need it!!