
The First Annual BBQ

Well, my mom's 1st annual memorial bbq was fun! The food was excellent (Thanks, Mike and Sandy for putting together the kabobs and Dad and Jason for grilling them). I had intended to take some pictures to put up but I got so busy running up and down the stairs that I didn't really have a chance to take too many. I do have some really cute puppy pictures. They stole the show, naturally. Even my neighbors were peeking over the fence to see them. One neighbor from next door called a friend to come over and see them.

Not only was the bbq fun but I got two presents! Anyone who knows me knows how I adore getting presents. And how embarrassed Mike is that I love presents so much. They don't have to be big presents. I'm just as happy when Mike unexpectedly brings home Skittles from the grocery store. Anyway, these are the presents I got on Saturday...

My friend, Veronica brought me a little bunch of flowers for inviting her to the bbq. Unnecessary but extremely sweet, I thought. Yes, they're in a pilsner glass. Oddly, I have no vases in my house. Perhaps because I have a husband who doesn't know it's legal for him to send me flowers. :D He does occasionally bring me skittles, though. Which is better than flowers because you can eat them. Yummy artificially fruity goodness. But I'm getting off track.

My other present is a little book from my mother-in-law, Sandy. The pages have pictures of my mom with quotes and a poem. I liked this page best, I think. I thought Uncle Mike and Aunt Linda would like to see it. The quote says (in case you can't read it), "I find as I grow older that I love those most whom I loved first. -Thomas Jefferson."

So many crafty people in my family. I told my dad that if Sandy and Aunt Linda ever met, they'd probably be B.F.F. as they are internet buddies of a sort now. :D

Today, Mike and I got up early to go and see our friend Sarah perform at Flavor Fest in Jonquil Park. She works for an upscale daycare/pre-school in Chicago and works sometimes singing at children's parties.

Then Mike went off to kickball and, after spending the afternoon cleaning up what I could, I napped.

Everybody mark your calendars this time next year! I'll expect to see everyone. And next year? It'll be on the beach! Awesome.


Linda ★ Parker's General said...

Sounds like it was a good time. Thought of you all often.
Glad it went well for you. Everybody enjoys successful parties. I know we do.
Love to all,
Aunt Linda
and Uncle Mike
Anxious to see those puppy pictures!

SaNdY said...

Your party was great! You and Mike did a great job!! I wish we had been able to stay longer, but it was nice to meet a few of your friends, Mike's co-workers and former co-workers, too...looking forward to next year's beach party!! And yes, I believe your Aunt Linda and I would definitely be B.F.F. if we lived closer to each other!! I hope I have the pleasure of meeting her sometime, but till then, we can be internet/blogging buddies!

Football and Fried Rice said...

wish I could have been there (Kabobs AND skittles?) Ok, I know there wasn't necessarily skittles there, but that is a sweet spot for me too - that & laffy taffy...over flowers. any day.

Oodooshoo said...

{{{Cinda and Mike}}} Thanks so much for inviting me. I had fun and the wonderful music - and that foxy... *laff*! Well, you know where I was going with that... Hey! I just realized that we can meet up at the colleges this fall, tho you're MWF and I'm TTH, we can still work it out. :-) Love ya! Vitka