
Conversations With Caleb

Mike: Pea, will you make lasagna for dinner tomorrow?
Cindi: Yeah, I can do that.
Caleb: I hope your lasagna is as good as my mom's. Her lasagna is awesome.
Cindi: I dunno. I think that Mom's is always the best. Whatever it is that your mom's really good at...well, for your whole life it'll be the best you've ever tasted. I think that's a rule or something.
Caleb: Well, I sure as hell don't like her pancakes.
Mike: snort


Kelly said...

lol AGAIN!

Football and Fried Rice said...

Teenagers are so funny (especially when they aren't yours....)

SaNdY said...

LOL!!! Caleb needs to have his own blog!

Sassy said...

I think kids in general are especially funny when they're not yours. That way you're off the hook when they say these things in school etc. No appointments with the principal for me! Yet, anyway. :D

SaNdY said...

SO true, Cindi and Sara!!! Other good examples adding to the truth of this theory would be a few little tidbits spoken by 'Big Boy JO-ey'!! Cindi, I believe Caleb has inherited the same sense of humor that you inherited from your mom...