
The Carnage

The verdict? Not as good as his mom's but pretty good. I didn't expect anything else, though, as before he'd even tasted it, he told my friend Barb that my lasagna wasn't as good as his mom's. I clearly didn't have a chance. Plus, his mom "buys every kind of cheese she can find and throws it in there - even if it costs $20!" I can't compete with that. Especially since Mike won't even let me put ricotta cheese in it. He's strictly a mozzerella man.

My friend Barb came over for dinner last night and before I left to meet her at the Blue Line train, I told Cal we were having company and that I expected him showered and sweet smelling when I got home. What happened to that little boy who never wanted to get out of the bathtub. He'd arrive at our house and say, "Batt-tie, Memo?" "Take batt, Memo?" He used to take three baths a day! Now I have to remind him to take a shower! Anyway, I headed out, met Barb and we came back. I got home to find Caleb showered and spiffy. Then Mike came home. The three of us worked on getting dinner ready together and chatted while Caleb was on the computer. Just before dinner was ready, Mike opened the bathroom door and said, "When you know company is coming over, can you at least try to clean up this place?" I was like, "What the hell?" Apparently, after I left Caleb took his shower as I had requested...and left his underwear laying on the floor. I'm still not sure why I got in trouble because the boy left his underbritches laying around.

I'm telling you - we have to invest in a once a week cleaning lady pretty soon or I'm going to be hiding a body. And it won't be Caleb's. :D

1 comment:

SaNdY said...

I hope Mike didn't think that Caleb's underbritches were yours!!! LOL!!
That lasagna sure looks good! Havin leftovers tonite?? =]