
Oh, tell me have you seen...?

Today I "misplaced" my wallet. Well, yesterday sometime. I have no idea where it is. On the way to school last night, I stopped for a Jamba Juice. That's the last time I had it out. But today when I went to get it, it wasn't in my backpack.


I thought maybe I'd set it down in the car on the way to school after getting my smoothie but an inspection of Jean Claude (our car...Jean Claude Grand Am...get it? :D)... showed that there was no wallet. So, I've spent the evening cancelling and re-issuing credit card, debit card and finding out how to get my driver's license replaced. Luckily I never drive - so it's not an immediate priority. I do have to get ahold of my dad and have him send me a copy of my birth certificate so I can take it in with my passport and get it reissued.

What a week.


Anonymous said...

Anyone would have to agree, you've had a bad week, Cindi, it has to get better!!

Football and Fried Rice said...

kinda makes you glad that you got that Borders trip in early in the week, huh? Hope things get better (maybe this is what the hallway is like?)

Anonymous said...

You had to be the one to name your car Jean Claude Grand Am, right, Cindi??? Don't see Mike coming up with that one!