
Hear Me Roar!

Ok. First of all, I was a little overly ambitious in my estimates last night. I said I was going to take a long walk to day and go to the gym. I have just returned from my long walk and I think it's safe to say that the gym is going to have to wait. I walked to the pharmacy and back. It felt like 40 miles but I figure it's about a mile and a half or so. My body is screaming from what it perceives as mistreatment. It's so hot that I thought I was going to throw up right after I got home. Although as the saying goes, "It's not the heat, it's the humidity." I feel good, though, like I've accomplished something.

I didn't sleep well last night and woke up when Mike left for work after sleeping about four or five hours. Unable to get back to sleep, I read a book and tried to stay cool. I knew it was hot and sloppy outside and I had nearly convinced myself to forget about taking a walk today. Instead, I sucked it up about 12 this afternoon and decided to walk to the pharmacy to pick up some exfoliating scrub for my feet.

On the way home, I passed two goth kids heading, I assume, back to school after their lunch. I know this doesn't sound like anything but trust me, as someone who is usually the passed and not the passer, it was awesome. In a side note, I'd been coming up on them for three blocks before I realized one of the girls was a boy. What is up with that?

In a sudden topic change...am I the only person who's seen the Old Spice commercial with Bruce Campbell playing Hungry Like the Wolf on a piano, lounge act style? Perhaps it is my well known admiration for all things Bruce but this cheesy commercial absolutely cracks me up. Ah, Bruce, I do adore you.

Well - time to take a shower. I smell really bad.


Anonymous said...

I'm gonna have to watch for that Old Spice commercial...
Good work walking in that humidity today, you are a real trooper!

Anonymous said...

You're not the only one who's seen that commercial, I love it (though I've only seen it on tv once; I saw it on youtube first). Does this mean you know who Autolycus is?

Sassy said...

I definitely do! Although I only watched Xena and haven't seen his Hercules appearances.

I'm a bigger fan of Briscoe County, Jr. and Army of Darkness. You know...the classics. :D