
Sweet Sorrow

Well, I imagine this will be the last post from me for a few days. After I finish, I'm going to take down the computer, tie up all of the cords and clean the desk. Bags are packed - except for those odds and ends that always seem to pop up last minute. The bathroom is immaculate. You could eat off of the floor in there. In fact, my cookies are slightly frosted because I'm actually leaving this place cleaner than I found it. I'm trying to combat that by repeating the mantra, "Do unto others....do unto others...." I hope Andrew (the man who is moving out of our new place tomorrow) is saying the same thing. If I get there and find out that I have to clean that bathroom, too...well, I'm probably going to show off the vocabulary I learned while growing up with brothers. Andrew is a bachelor and while his house was quite clean for a single man...well, the bathroom was something out of my nightmares. I hate cleaning bathrooms and though I will put off cleaning the bathtub for as long as possible, my bathroom is never that dirty. Besides, I can deal with my own cleaning issues...but the idea of standing in someone else's shower funk? Ugh. I just threw up in the back of my mouth a little bit.

So tomorrow we'll be out of here. We're so happy. Mike's positively giddy. And it's hard not to be giddy when Mike is. We're polar opposites on this. I was really excited at the outset and have steadily gotten sick of packing and calling to rearrange everything. Mike was really dreading the whole moving process but as it has gotten closer, he's thrown himself headlong into the project. Which is just as well, because I've been less and less help as it has gotten closer.

Well, dear reader(s)...all four of you...you probably won't hear from me (electronically anyways) until we get our internet hooked up on Tuesday. (High speed! YaY!) I know that it's only a couple of days but three days without television and internet feels like I'm being deported to Siberia.

Back soon!


Linda ★ Parker's General said...

Best of luck.
Anxiously awaiting your new posts from the new place!!!
Can't wait to see it....

SaNdY said...

Nice post, Cindi!! I will miss you, but thank goodness, it won't be long till you're back on-line (with high-speed, no less!! Go, you!!) I hope, wish and pray that by the time you get on-line again sometime Tuesday, most of the important things you need will be found and that your cookies will not be frosted!! =]

Charlie said...

Love you, and GOOD LUCK on your move!

Football and Fried Rice said...

Yeah, I remember the first time I cleaned HAIR out of the drain at this rental that we are living in -PUKE! I mean, honestly WHOSE hair WAS it? WHERE did it come from!?

Laurie said...

apparantly you have more than 4 readers. so there :P