
Another Post About My Cats

So, we have returned from our weekend trip to Iowa and I haven't been able to shake my furry shadows.

I have been lying in the guest bed reading a book and, as you can see, I have had company. But it doesn't end there. They've followed me around the kitchen, bathroom, living room and have been rubbing on my legs while I sit here typing on the computer.

Meme is just happy to see us. Furio, however, is torn between being glad to see us and being really, really mad at us for leaving him for the second time in four weeks. He has to sit right by me but he doesn't want to be touched or snuggled. That's my punishment, I suppose. I'm sure he believes me in agony at not being allowed to pet and scratch him. Cats are so funny.

"Beware of people who dislike cats." - Irish proverb


SaNdY said...

Furio is a master of human punishment!!

Football and Fried Rice said...

kids are the same way.......