
Places I didn't even know about...

That's how badly I hurt right now. I hurt in places I didn't even know I had. Mike and I have started "gung ho" mode on the old work-out regime. I was like, "Let's WALK to the Y." Yeah. Brilliant idea. It's about a 2 mile walk roundtrip which seemed like an adventure at the time. Now it just seems like a mistake. Plus we didn't eat before we went and on the way home, I nearly tackled the neighbor's yappy, fluffy dog and chewed on it.

On the plus side, I got a good laugh from Mike's antics today. He was trying on a new workout outfit he'd bought at Kohl's awhile back and asked me if his shirt was too tight because it felt really constrictive. The shirt was made of that form fitting, spandexy material and I told him that it was supposed to look like that and hug his body. He had to go upstairs to look for himself because, like always, we can't just take my word on anything. He came back down and said, "I really like this. I feel like Superman." It's still funny to me - I snorted just now when I typed it.

If you need me tomorrow, I'll be the one in bed with the covers over my head - covered in heating pads.


Anonymous said...

The plus side is those aches and pains will diminish - the drawback is as soon as you start back they'll be returning lol.

Anonymous said...

Superman??? that gave me a good laugh.