
A new addition

If you're looking, you'll see that we've added a link to our Google calendar on the sidebar. I just got started, so it only has about 2 things on it, but I've decided to get a family calendar going to try and keep us up to date organizational wise and hopefully it'll help everyone keep up with us. Not that we're all that exciting or anything...you know, whatever. :D

I'm also instituting a two new features of this blog called, "Remember that time when..." and/or "Did you know...?" If you have a story to contribute or a request for a story that you want us to tell, just drop us an email.

Mike has news but I don't want to steal his thunder. I'm trying to get him to blog about it himself. C'mon, Mike! Get it together, man!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gosh, I can think of a LOT of those 'remember that time..' and 'did you know..' But I don't wanna embarass the Polish Wonder too badly...I'll get back with you on those!