
Confession -

Ok. I have to confess to something that I'm sort of embarrassed about. I love that "Celebrity Paranormal" show on VH1. I've always sensed that this was something that would invite ridicule if I mentioned it out loud. I mean, Mike makes fun of me about it but that's nothing new. He often makes fun of my viewing choices. I'm always dragging Mike on these ghost tours and whatnot when we go on vacation. I've never seen a ghost nor do I feel like I'm somehow 'sensitive' to paranormal activity or anything (I hate when we get a "medium" on the tour with us who swears she feels something everywhere we go)...I just like having the heebie jeebies scared out of me. I like ghost stories and that's basically what ghost tours are all about. They take you to different places and tell you the ghost stories that go along with the area.

But anyway, I'm rambing again. Celebrity Paranormal reminds me of that MTV show "Fear" back in the 90's where they'd send college kids to haunted places and have them do scary crap - if they could stay the whole night they won $5000. Remember that show? I was only in high school myself and I loved that show. I was crushed when they took it off the air. I continued to tivo and watch Celebrity Paranormal despite my inclination to believe that this is something I should be embarrassed about. Today though, in a moment of boredom, I happened upon the vh1 website dedicated to the show and saw the snippet of the message board it includes. This is where you can discuss the "scary moments" or the caliber of the C List celebrities on that week's episode. Everyone on that message board was clearly about 14 years old. I am most likely the only CP fan over the age of 15.

Now that's embarrassing.


Anonymous said...

I have never watched that show, but but remember seeing it as I surfed through the channels, I will have to give it a try next time I see it!! Don't recall 'Fear', but I was never a big fan of MTV....and no one better ridicule you about your viewing choices!! Even the Polish Wonder! I think we all have watched a show or 2 that we're not proud of!! At least you're honest about watching it!!

Anonymous said...

And....... it keeps you young at heart :)