
An early father's day

Furio and Meadow gave Mike his father's day gift a couple of days early. Many thanks to the Potters for "helping" Furio and Meme paint this totem pole at the pottery place.


Anonymous said...

YAY!! So glad you got that Totem Pole, Mike!! And Happy Father's Day, a little early!!

Kelly said...

and it's our way of saying "SORRY! SORRY!" that we made fun of you for wanting to paint it in the first place! :D

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

I missed something.Have Mike explain to me the totem thing.I thought that totem poles were a native American symbol. Does this have anything to do with Man vs. Wild?

Scott said...

SORRY!!! SORRY!!! but I still laughed as I was painting the darn thing!