
non sequiturs

Well, my cold is on its way out the door. "Thank you, Cold-eeze." According to the bag, I have cut my cold time in half! How do you know that it only lasted half the time rather than the whole time, you ask? Shut up, says I, don't question the Cold-eeze!

Top Five records is going to make a "mix tape" soundtrack for Mike's upcoming 30th birthday. (If you didn't get the High Fidelity reference here...well, I'm just sad for you. :D) So far I've got "The Final Countdown" by Europe, "It's the End of the World as We Know It" by REM, "In My Next Thirty Years" by Tim McGraw and "Nineteen Somethin'" by Mark Wills. (Did you know Mark Wills has a 'Definitive Collection' cd? I only know, like, two of his songs!) Your mission, should you choose to accept it is to come up with a few more songs appropriate to go on the cd.

This morning I got a call for a "Dennis Morales" at 8 in the morning. It woke me up from a sound sleep and I told the man he had the wrong number. He said, "Are you sure?" I was like, "That my name's not DENNIS MORALES? Yeah, dude...pretty sure. There's no one here with that name and we've had this phone number for two years." He grumbled and then hung up. Afterward, I thought..."Aren't they supposed to wait until after 9AM before they can call you? I should have yelled at him."

Last night, Mike was in the room when I checked my email and got the message about the last set of tickets left out of Scott and Kelly's season package and he says, "Hey! I never got an email about this. Scott should know that I'd never hear about it from you - Mrs. Tiger Hater." I rolled my eyes and said, "You know that joke's really running thin for me. I was mad at you when I wrote that and it's really starting to piss me off now." He giggled. GIGGLED! Mike's turning into a giggler. Plus, yesterday he had an appointment at this place called "Halo" here in Chicago. It's a 'beauty salon' for men only. He had what's called 'The Man' package. It's a shampoo, hair cut, scalp massage, hand massage and parafin hand wax. The words "After my beauty appointment" actually escaped his lips! When he got home (he does look REALLY great, by the way. His hands are so smoooooooooooooth), he said, "This isn't something I'll do every month...too expensive (he had a coupon for this visit)...but maybe every other month." But when he said it, there was a wistful look in his eyes. You can tell when I graduate and start working he'll be booked in at his "man salon" every month. :D

But now, I think I'm going to go back to bed for awhile. I stayed up too late getting my reading done for class tonight. Good day, sir!

1 comment:

SaNdY said...

People who call your number, either thinking it's someone else's or they mis-dial, always seem pi**ed at you, don't they?? Like it's YOUR fault they have a wrong number or they can't dial correctly....I now make it a point when I mis-dial, to apologize to the person I dialed...just my little way of making the world a more civilized place!
Mike going to 'man salon' and getting a hand massage??? Hope the old man doesn't find out! Hehehe!