
It never fails

Whenever we're expecting company, Mike goes into a cleaning frenzy. Usually I'm like, "What's the problem? It's clean!" With me being in school and Mike working, though, I knew the place needed some work. Last weekend we cleaned all day Saturday and got most of the place looking pretty good. The room we didn't get to? The bathroom. I said I'd do it. Actually the conversation went like this.

Cindi: How are we going to do the cleaning?
Mike: We'll divide it up and each do different rooms.
Cindi: I suppose I get the bathroom.
Mike: (pause) (sigh) I guess I can do the bathroom.
Cindi: Well, let's do the rest of the place and we can double team the bathroom.

So we cleaned the rest of the house and were too, too tired to finish the bathroom. I figured we'd get it the next day. Turns out Mike had a full schedule the next day. Anyway, the bathroom cleaning has fallen to me. Every day, as he goes out the door to work, Mike says, "Don't forget WE have to clean the bathroom this week." Right. We. Heh.

I've told that story to relate this one. I was cleaning the bathtub faucet today when I managed to turn the shower on myself. I think I'm done cleaning the bathroom for today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

On the bright side you got the bathroom and yourself cleaned at the same time. Would this be considered power cleaning?