
MeMe update

Meadow is out of surgery and doing ok! The vet said that the surgery was routine and that there was no rupture in her uterus.

I am considering selling Mike to help pay for the cost of the surgery...any takers? :D

Mike is suggesting a Meme Cat benefit...how about some of those plastic containers at all of the grocery store registers? We need a color for her "benefit ribbon."

We're also switching vets. He saw her last week and I asked him about whether I should get her fixed. I was asking because when she goes into heat, Furio bites her on the neck and she almost always ends up with a bald, raw spot and it takes her weeks to grow her fur back. I asked him straight out and he said that they usually live longer if you do but that it wasn't a big deal. The vet we saw tonight said that if you don't get female cats spayed and you don't breed them then these uterus infections are very common and can be life threatening!

She could have died tonight. As Mike said, she used up at least 1 of her 9 lives. But we're so, so happy that she's doing well. When the vet called, she was already coming out from under the anesthesia. Tomorrow she'll be moved out of the ER clinic to a regular vet for a bit more observation. With luck, she'll be home in a few days and back to herself in no time!



Anonymous said...

That is GREAT news!!! =]

Kelly said...

yeah for ms. meadow.

and YES EVERYBODY GET ALL OF YOUR ANIMALS FIXED!!!!!! seriously. as bob barker says, "help control the pet population"...even if your animals stay inside. it is safer and healthier for them!!!

Sassy said...

Not to mention less expensive for their owners. You can trust Mike and I on this one!

Anonymous said...

I made something for you. (Hope the link works)