
The Kurczewski's First Annual Holiday Extravaganza

My extravaganza is no more - we extravaganza'd it up last night and it was quite pleasant, I must say. Everyone chatted, ate, drank and was merry. My friend Sarah's 15 month old daughter, Lyric, entertained us all with her baby sign language, animal noises and general cuteness. My niece, Bailey (the pug), wound her way through the throng and into the hearts of everyone who attended with her puppy snorts and stub tail wiggles. AND, Mike's friend Jason managed to stay sober until the party had mostly broken up. When people began to make their way out, the guys made their way into the spare room for some poker at which point Jason managed (over a period of time) to down most of a bottle of whiskey. But that's a story for another post.

The dim point in the evening was when my dad rang my cell phone to tell me that my mom's big sister, my aunt Kathryn, died last night. Kathryn had recently found out she had cancer but we definitely had no idea this was coming. I'm still not even sure what happened. I was worried about my Uncle Mike because with her death, it made his second sister to die within three and a half months. I honestly don't know how I'm feeling right now. Aunt Kathryn always lived far away from us. I talked to her on the phone a lot, always got cards from her and exchanged letters but only ever saw her face to face a handful of times. I'm so sad because she was family and she was always very good to me. I'm sad because her family has lost her - and I can remember only too well what the first few days feel like after losing your parent. I'm sad because my uncles Mike and John have lost another sister. But I'm also happy. I'm so happy because now my mother has what she always wished for - a chance to spend time with her big sister. I'm happy because she's with Mom, Matt, her parents and her son Kurt. I'm happy because she's beyond pain now and how could I ever wish her back to this earth to deal with cancer treatments and cataract surgeries?

I guess I can only leave you with my mom's saying aka my (not-so-new-now) personal mantra from Dr. Seuss. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

Eva Kathryn Parker Doerr
2/27/1937 - 12/16/2006


Anonymous said...

The party was great, you two did an excellent job!! I agree that Lyric and Bailey were definitely the stars of the party, along with the Guitar Hero game! And there's nothing better than eatin stubbies and drinkin champagne!!
Sorry about your aunt, Cindi..

Anonymous said...

This southern girl has to ask, what is a stubbie?

Sassy said...

Stubbies are what I call little smokies. The Michigan contingent thinks it's hilarious. :D

Anonymous said...

I don't believe you have to be from Michigan to think the word 'stubbies' is funny....don't ya think, Cindi??

Kelly said...

there were a lot of stubby things at your party! bailey's tail, the stubbie smokies, mike's nails...ha ha!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the party could have been called a "StubbieExtravaganza"!!! (Take note of how 'extravaganza' is spelled, Kelly!! Hehe!)