
Random News

Apparently, I am not blogging enough to satisfy my dad, who has mentioned no less than three times that I need to write another entry. Apparently Tiffany Ford's not enough for my old man, I gotta write something new. I'm gonna get him a blog so that I can email him and be like, "Yo! You need to update your blog." As it so happens, I was ready to update anyways, so he had nothing to do with it. Ha!

But anyways, it's New Year's Eve and I'm preparing my list of New Year's Resolutions, which I will be posting later (you hope).

I've also registered for my classes at Loyola University. The prestigious Loyola University. That's what I told Mike he's supposed to say when he tells people where I'm going to school. When I was working at the bank in Michigan, eons ago, I had a cubicle across the aisle from a man named Paul Maran. He was a salesman for the warehouse lending department with which I was a funding coordinator. Every work day, I would find myself listening to him on the phone with clients while I completed paperwork and approved mortgages. I am not exaggerating when I say that he told every one about how his daughter was moving to New York so she could go to Columbia. "My daughter's been accepted to the prestigious Columbia University." I don't know how many times I heard that but it got to be a running joke with Mike and I - especially after Mike came to meet me for lunch one day and heard him saying it. It's been long enough that I'm not sure exactly how he sounded but in my head he sounds a lot like Woody Allen.

Last night, I took Mike out on a date night. He sort of giggled and acted like the whole thing was a little silly - until I told him he could pick any restaurant he wanted and that I was taking him to see the David Mamet play, "American Buffalo" at a small theater on the Northside. I also bought him a present to give in lieu of flowers, which I knew wouldn't do much for him. He'd be like, "Oh...flowers. Huh." The play was really good. We sat in the front row and were close enough to be nicked by flying debris. One of the characters has...uh...anger management issues and likes to kick, hit and throw things. A couple of the times he'd grab something and start smashing things with it and occasionally shrapnel was ejected into the audience. One of the reviews I read said something about the actor who plays "Teach" - that he was so convincing that the audience members were afraid of him. I'm telling you what - I was ready to get up and move back a couple of rows. I also go a bit of random spit on me when another character was being beaten on the stage right in front of me. It sounds gross but it was actually just really cool to me. Mike has joined the program and seems to think the occasional "Date Night" is a good idea. Although whenever he says it, he sings it. "Daaaaaaaate Niiiiiiiiiiiiiight."

Mike and I went to eat at Clara's today. Cheap breakfast and the best hash browns in the city of Chicago. Yummy.

Our plans for New Year's Eve are still in limbo a bit. We had talked about going down to Navy Pier where there'll be midnight fireworks but then Jason and Sarah called and invited us out to the 'burbs to hang out with them at Jason's mom's place. I would love to hang out with Sarah but the midnight fireworks sounded really fun to me. I've become a true Chicago snob. The 'burbs? Who wants to go to the 'burbs? C'mon!

I've also been a little bummed out about my upcoming birthday. Not because I'll be turning 30. Well, maybe a little because I'll be turning 30 - but mostly because my plans to take a celebratory trip have been squelched by the city of Chicago. Did you know that it takes a year before you get any vacation or personal time after you're hired. Geez. My mom's not here to throw me a party and I'm fairly certain my dad's not gonna do it. I always get included by the Kurczewski side of the family when they throw a party for Mike, which is super nice, but it's always after my actual birthday and this year (who knows why) I feel like I HAVE to do something either the day of or before. I can't turn 30 without some sort of fanfare. I think that the anticipation of celebrating it has kept me from being depressed about it and now that there's no trip or getaway, I'm on the verge of being sad about it. On the plus side, I have two and a half months to think of some way to greet my 30th year properly. I just can't think of anywhere that's close enough and cost effective enough to go for just a weekend. And I think it's probably tacky to throw yourself a party. Mike's always accusing me of trying to get people to give me presents - he'd probably have a seizure if I said I was going to throw myself a birthday party. You can all do me a big favor by starting to suggest things Mike can do/buy/take me to that will make my 30th memorable. He'll be grateful for the help.

Other than that, I can't think of too much that's new. Mike installed my Brita water faucet last night and it was oddly anti-climactic - after demanding that someone buy it for me for two years, the reality has been a bit of a disappointment. On the other hand, I always have water in the house, so it'll save a ton of money and be super convenient. I guess it was just so much fun complaining about not having it that the reality of actually having it can't compete. I'm so complicated. :D Mike calls it high-maintenance. Pfft. Whatever.

Oh - and my dad's birthday is tomorrow. Make sure you drop him an email to wish him a happy 70th birthday. Ha! (Take that, old man.) ;)

Happy New Year's!


Anonymous said...

Seems to me that Chicago throws the biggest party in the world on St. Patrick's Day - definitely a low cost option and besides wherever else can you go that they dye the river green?

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed this blog, Cindi! (I always enjoy reading your blogs!) I can identify with the Brita filter story...for me, it seems like the anticipation of something is sometimes more pleasurable than experiencing the event, or thing, itself....I feel that way a lot when we book a trip, the more in advance the better for me (not for the old man, he would more of a 'spur of the moment' trip taker if the decision were all his!) because I have a longer time to think about it, read about wherever we're going to, etc...
I feel I need to comment on this date nite thing...what's the deal with getting Mike a present for ne reason at all??? You're setting the bar awfully high for the rest of us, and I hope the old man doesn't hear about this, he'll be expecting me to buy him presents for no reason....sheeesh! And to what tune does the Polish Wonder sing "Daaaate Niiiiiiight" to??? And one more thing...what did you guys end up doing on New Year's Eve??? The world is waiting to find out!!