
Happy birthday to you

Today is Tiffany Ford's birthday. Who is Tiffany Ford, you ask? Well, back when I was in junior high, you were only as cool as the height of your bangs. The higher your bangs, the cooler you were. High bangs didn't necessarily guarantee popularity...but they were cool. A status symbol. Tiffany Ford had the highest bangs I have ever seen - to date, in fact. She had grown her bangs out to where, if they'd hung down, they would have rivaled a "Smells Like Teen Spirit"-video Kurt Cobain. But she didn't let them hang down. She somehow got them to defy the very laws of gravity and stand up as straight as a Buckingham Palace guard for several inches before the ends...the very tips...curled over into a gracefully arched curl. Gradually, her bangs feathered down into a brown cascade until it joined the rest of her hair on the side. In the years since, it still remains a feat I have never seen duplicated. Her hairspray costs must have been outrageous!

Why do I remember it's her birthday? Geez, I dunno. I just took a look at the date on my earlier post and that was the first thing that popped into my head. "Oh, today is Tiffany Ford's birthday." I haven't seen her in at least 11 years. It's funny the random facts our brains remember.

So, anyway, happy birthday, Tiffany Ford - wherever you may be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Happy Birthday, Tiffany!
(Think she still wears her bangs high, Cindi??)