
Counting the days

Wow...I forgot there was an outside world! Meme came home Thursday night and ever since then I've been a bundle of nerves. They kept throwing things out that I would have to look for...fever? eating? peeing? swelling? discharge? lethargy? drinking? licking stitches? jumping on furniture? And each vet I talked to - 2 different ones at the ER vets and 2 at the regular vet's office - gave me different advice on what was normal. I'm really ready for this recovery process to be done and the stitches to come out - as I know Meme is. She's really tired of the cone collar she has to wear to keep her from messing with her incision, she's tired of having to take medicine 3 times a day (no picnic for us either, believe me) and I'm fairly certain she's tired of me following her around to make sure she's eating and drinking.

On the plus side, she does seem to be feeling better. We keep her in the spare room most of the time but if we're in the living room we'll let her out to roam around provided she doesn't try to take the stairs. Once she starts showing too much interest in the stairs, we'll have to relocate to the spare room. She likes to roam and explore but her energy level's not back to normal yet. She wears herself out and spends plenty of time lying quietly or sleeping. Although she's a cat...so she did that a lot of the time anyways.

I'm sure everyone's probably tired of hearing about Meadow but frankly, she's pretty much all that I've been up to these last few days. I have a quiz tomorrow that I haven't cracked the book for yet. I'm not too concerned...we went over the material last week but I'm going to have to start reading over everything again. I also need to decide on a legal statute/concept for my final project for tomorrow night's class. Ugh. Some sleep would be nice, too. Stress, worry and guilt have insured that I'm not sleeping as much as I'd like. But we're doing better - Meme and I both. She's feeling better and I'm trying not to beat myself up as much for not insisting that we have her spayed before now.

But I'm still counting down to stitch removal day.


Anonymous said...

I, for one, am not tired of hearing about Meme..I was hoping that she was doing OK, and I figured no news was good news...she is a lucky cat (so is Furio) to have such devoted and dedicated 'parents'!!!

Kelly said...

me neither! keep us updated! we're all sending her happy thoughts!