
All bettah

Meme is officially off of medication and out of a cone collar. Whoo! Of course the first thing she did when I took off her cone collar was to lick all of her scabs off. I started to freak out a little bit and then looked closer and saw that there was really no wound left underneath them anyway - so I was like, "Lick away." Now she has all this pink, raw, new skin with a little line where her incision was. She does still look a little like a bald bellied poodle. They shaved a line around both of her front legs to put in IV's and her whole belly is hairless.

She's gotten used to me holding and coddling her over the last 10 days, so she's been very clingy still. I'm savoring it because everyone tells me that, as she's spayed now, she'll soon be changing into a much less personable, more aloof feline. It certainly happened that way with Furio. He used to sleep curled around my head when he was little and then after we got him fixed he couldn't abide being held and cuddled.

But at least she's feeling better. She and Furio wrestled around for the first time in 10 days. He was a little freaked out by the collar and when she'd get too close to him wearing it, he'd take off running across the room. As my mom used to say, "What a wush." (She thought that was how you say 'wuss').

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know Meme needed you Easter weekend, but I missed seeing you..I was gonna have you color Easter eggs with me...thank you sharing Mike, though, he turned out to be our one and only Easter dinner guest!