
Bad Mood

I'm in such a crabby mood today. I got up early to make an appointment with the vet for Meadow. Her antibiotics are almost done and the ER vets said she should probably be on them for 3 weeks. Plus she's been able to get around her cone collar and lick the bottom of her incision - so I wanted them too look and make sure she hadn't pulled any stitches or anything. Mike had a meeting at a high school down the street, so he left the car for us to use. What didn't he leave? The keys to the garage so that I could get to the car. So Meme and I had to take the bus...which put Meme in a GREAT mood, let me tell you.

But, there was lots of good news at the vet's. Incision looks good - it's not healed completely but it's "sealed" - which means it closed and the stitches dissolved. They decided to take her blood today to see if her white blood cell count is back to normal. (Meme was less than delighted.) If it is, then we're done with the meds. If it's still a little high, they'll continue them for another week.

Then we rode the bus home again. Once again, real fun for the cat. She's been hiding under the bed - pissed at me. She can't be on her own until Sunday, though. That's when the cone collar can come off and she can have full run of the house. So I'm stuck at home this weekend rather than celebrating Easter with either side of the family. Mike's still going home, I'm sure. I was hoping he'd want to stay with me and we could go to his parents' house next weekend for a late Easter visit...but I'm pretty sure that's not happening.

Due to cat-related expenses (Meme's turned into a real big ticket item) - the purse strings have necessarily been tightened. Thankfully the birthdays are over but it looks like our first anniversary is going to be a home-made spaghetti dinner and blockbuster rental night. But at least Meme will be around to curl up on the couch with us watching the movie.

Still - we could use something good happening to us instead of the things that HAVE been happening. I've had enough of parking tickets and sick cats. So everybody concentrate on sending some good ju-ju our way, ok?

I go take nap now. Bye-bye.

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