
The Weekend.

So Tom Petty was pretty awesome. There were a couple of incidents, including one where I nearly got into a fist fight with a girl who couldn't wait to smoke until the show was over. She lasted two songs into the show before she lit up and I had a couple of things to say.

Before the concert, Mike and I went to Abuelo's with his parents, sister and brother-in-law. Kelly and I split this cake. I can't remember what it's called, though - I just call it "yummo."

Kelly and Scott made silly faces for me. I told Kelly that she should have looked mean for this picture, but instead she's smiling. She said that was the point...but that now it was no good because I'd have to explain the picture. And so, I have.

I had a headache that I couldn't get rid of and Kelly kept trying to convince me that I shouldn't go to the concert if I didn't feel well. She offered to take my spot. I let her hold the tickets and then had to wrestle her to the ground to get them back. Ok - no actual wrestling took place, but that would have been really, really cool.

Mike's fam (sans his 'fe). ('Fe = wife. Pronounced "fee"...or, occasionally by Mike, "Fefe." Like I'm a poodle. 'Sha. )

Sandy's kids - (Mike's 'Fe included this time).
Kelly decided that we should all take a "candid" shot with all of us laughing, like the photographer insisted we take in Florida. (If you weren't there, it's sort of a long story). Scott and Kelly did really good, but Mike's just looking like, "I don't know these people."
On the way home, Mike took me here.

Perhaps you don't understand. He took me here!!!! My favorite. Found in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa and Battle Creek, Michigan - and apparently very few places inbetween. I eat it at every conceivable opportunity.
So that was most of our weekend. We did make a stop at Gibraltar Trade Center for my dad, but that's really a post for another day. And now I'm back to work. Booooo!

So how was your weekend?


SaNdY said...

My weekend was great, thanks to you and the Schmikster's visit!! I only wish you had given me a blow-by-blow description of the altercation you had at the concert....and please post soon about your Gilbralter Trade Center visit, sounds interesting!! :D

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

Youth --you got it all......We had to mow and garden and clean and walk dogs and shop. It was gruelling....