
A Valentine for Jeff

To wish my older brother, Jeff, a Happy Valentine's Day, I have decided to share with the world my (probably) favorite story that my mother used to tell about him. If it's not my favorite, it's definitely in the top five. There are so many good stories about Jeff that it is sometimes hard to narrow it down to just one.

When Jeff was in the first grade, his teacher asked the class to stand up and share something that their mother had taught them. I imagine it was in connection with Mother's Day or something similar. When his turn came around, Jeff stood up and said, "Never eat yellow snow."

Happy Valentine's Day, Jeff.


Charlie said...

That rates up there with "count behind me" and "Willgood to men". That's a couple more you can relate sometime

Kelly said...

ha ha ha! that's so funny!!!! you iowans are silly. in the newest bill bryson book, the thunderbolt kid, (all about growing up in iowa) he said his mom was very forgetful (as was he) and when she forgot to help him get a show-and-tell presentation together he ended up standing up in front of class and showed them all his fingers.

Anonymous said...

Now there's some good advice!!!

Anonymous said...

what ever makes you think i read your blog? Happy Valentines day to you to

Anonymous said...

Methinks someone just gave himself away.