
Happy Meatless Wednesday! (Or Resolutions revisited)

Well, it's Ash Wednesday and Lent has started. Because I have resolved to give up something for the season, I have decided to revisit my New Year's Resolutions and see how we're doing. I'll also be readjusting the list to see what my "rest of the year" resolutions are.

*Go to the gym at least three times a week - well, I haven't been doing this one so much. I'm going to the gym but it's really hard to make three times a week with my school schedule. I'll call this a "somewhat" successful resolution. I'll have to work on upping my workout-age.

*Drink more water and less pop - Hrm. I'm drinking water but I also take a soda to school with me most days. It's hard to stay awake otherwise. I'd say I'm drinking more water than I used to and less pop than I used to...but I could still improve on this one. It stays. I did go a little crazy on pop this weekend in Tennessee but paid the price. By the end of the weekend, my stomach was saying, "For the love of God, STOP!"

*Stop taking Mike for granted - I'm not even sure what I meant by this one. A lot of days he's lucky that I'm not a husband beater, I'm telling you. Whew. :D I have decided to change this one to "Stop getting mad at Mike for insignificant things." Otherwise I don't know how to gage whether I'm successful or not.

*Go to church every week - Oh we are so on this one. We are going to St. Benedict's every week. Mike likes Father Steve, I prefer Father Clem.

*Answer emails in a more timely fashion - I've definitely been better about this one.

*Do one load of laundry every week day AND fold it AND put it away, as opposed to doing it and leaving it sit in a basket so that it gets wrinkled - oh, this one is SO off the list. I haven't done this at all.

*Dedicate at least two hours each day to studying - I haven't been timing it but I've been really good about finishing assignments and readings early, so I'd say I'm good on this.

*Go out to eat no more than one time per week - Off the list.

*Eat fast food no more than once per month - Yeah, right. Pooped the bed on this one.

*Go to the library more and the book store less - I rule you! Ha ha! I've been really good.

*Knit everyone in my family something for next Christmas - Many ideas floating around. I have decided what I'm going to knit most people but I haven't really gotten started yet. I have about 40 things that I want to knit Kelly which I'll have to trim down. The coolest of which being a hat that looks like Bailey's sock monkey. Awesome.

*Learn to crochet - This is off the list. I just don't have TIME to do it.

*Write in my journal three times a week -Nope. Not doing it.

*Be more positive in my blog entries - Definitely more positive.

*Blog at least three times a week - Weeeeell, not lately. But I'm doing alright. You can stay on the list.

*Try not to nag as much - Again - what was I thinking? I don't nag. I haven't noticed myself doing it at all! Although maybe I should consult Mike before I say that.

*Read Dante's Inferno - I have purchased a used copy of this book and I am resolved to complete this one! I just haven't started yet.

So what are you giving up for Lent, you ask. Well, I had a hard time deciding about it. Mike's given up soda. I, however, couldn't think of anything to give up. Mike suggested potato chips and I thought it was a good idea except that I have SunChips at home. When he said they didn't count because they're lower fat, I was like, "So you want me to give up fatty salted snacks?" Now, this (to me) sounds more like something he just wants me to do, period. But I agreed. At least for the next six weeks, I can't have any regular chips. I can have baked chips, lower fat organics and SunChips (which are less fat). I have a feeling I'll be fiending for Doritos.

Wish me luck.


Kelly said...

ummm. i don't think you should cut down on the 40 crocheted items for me!!! i wear my hat everyday when i take the pugs for a walk!!! keep em coming!

SaNdY said...

I'd say you're doing quite well, Cindi, you hardly pooped the bed at all!! And I really like the way you weed out the resolutions that aren't going so well...just take 'em off the list!!! Stay with what's working!

Anonymous said...

You've accomplished a lot and there's still a lot left of the year to accomplish. Great going hon I'm proud of ya.