
Randomness is Grand

I've decided I need to post but I don't have any real stories, so I thought I'd put out a couple random tidbits of what has been happening in our lives.

The other day, as I got ready to go out for our date night, Mike called to me from the living room where he was sitting on the couch. He said, "Hey, pea. If it ever comes up, my bondage safeword is bananas." For a split second, I was like, What. The. Hell? Then I realized he was quoting one of his new tv shows, "The Naked Trucker and T-Bones Show" on Comedy Central.

On Sunday night, we didn't go to bed until 6:30AM on Monday MORNING. My insomnia has been plaguing me lately but I've usually been getting to bed between 2 and 3AM. But Sunday night, after much pleading and convincing, Mike went to the casino. While I read a book in bed, Mike played blackjack and texas hold'em. At 1:30, he called and told me he'd be home shortly and that he'd won a little bit of money - about a hundred dollars or so, I think. At 4:30, he called and said, "I'm sorry I didn't come home when I said but is it ok if I bring home some money?" And bring home money, he did. $685. Now it was not all profit because he took $140. So we went out to Clara's for breakfast when he got home (they open at 5). Happy Valentine's Day to ME! :D He's taking me out to one of my favorite restaurants (already reserved) and I have a feeling I'll be getting something that sparkles. Oh, nothing too expensive. He was not to spend a lot of money but he went out to "broker a few deals" on Monday while I studied for my test - so I'm sure I'm getting something. And we all know how I love to get presents. d

Flowers would be nice...but the last time he gave me flowers, I only got them because I told him to buy them. I tried hinting - to no avail and finally I was like, "I want you to send me flowers, you jerk!" Then it wasn't as fun because I had to beg for them. Oh it was still fun...just not AS fun.

Also - Mike keeps saying to me, "The jerk store called - they want you to work the day shift tomorrow." Finally I was like, "What does that even mean?! Just because I supposedly work there doesn't make me a jerk! You can work at a women's clothing store without being a skirt. Or even a woman!" All he said to that was, "You work a lot of overtime." I just snorted and said, "Whatever." I still don't get the logic there. Next time he says it though, I'm going to say, "Yeah? Well you're on clearance."


Anonymous said...

How in the heck does mike always seem to win absurd amounts of money when he goes to the casino? During one of our classic college trips to Soaring Eagle in Mt. Pleasant, MI, we were out in 5 minutes, and went back to the dorm (keep in mind this was an hour minimum each way) to consume root beer schnapps.

Kelly said...

AND, he only seems to win it when he's by himself....hmmmm.

anyway. cindi - wait. i'm confused. where do you work??

mmmm. root beer schnapps. that sounds....gross.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Mike!! Do you ever read Cindi's blogs?? If you do: Nice parlaying!!! $685?? Spread out!!!
And if you haven't been blogging because you can't think of anything to write about, you should entertain us all by writing about when you and Scott took trips to the casino while you were at State....hehe!
Good post, Cindi!

Mike said...


That was before I learned the intricacies and basic strategy of playing blackjack. Luck had a bit to do with it too.

I think that the time you're referring to, I brought $50 with me. I think I had a push on one hand and lost 9 or 10 hands in a row playing $5 a hand. Not good times, except for the schnapps, of course. *glug, glug*

Sassy said...

Kelly -

When Mike feels like I'm being a jerk, he says that I work at the "jerk store." It's Mike's version of a bit from Seinfeld when George tells his obnoxious co-worker that "The jerk store called, they're all out of you."