
Greetins, y'all

So...it's been a really fun weekend in Tennessee thusfar. Mike and I hopped a plane on Friday night. I actually spent all day Friday madly running around to make sure all our trip clothes were washed, bags packed, cats fed and bases covered. We were delayed slightly but got to Nashville without much incident.

On Saturday we spent the day playing Pong on our friends' Atari flashback2. Awesome. Mike was heard to note..."And we spent how much money on our PS2?" That's exactly right - we played game after game of Pong. PONG! And it was the most fun I've had in a long time. Oh, we didn't just play Pong - we played Centipede, Pitfall, River Raid...all of the games I loved in my youth.

Today Mike and I celebrated our anniversary two months early and ate the top of our wedding cake at the restaurant where we had our wedding reception. It was really nice.

We also celebrate Rachael's birthday! YaY! Happy birthday, Rachael.

Rachael's lost so much weight that she's had to buy new clothes. Several times now, actually. But we went through a bunch of her old clothes and I've got nearly a whole new wardrobe! We had to buy a couple of extra duffel bags to pack all of it home again. I was delighted to discover, quite by accident, that I can fit into things one-two sizes smaller than I thought I could. Now, not all of the two size smaller stuff fits...but a bunch of it does! I haven't fit into ANYTHING in that size since I was in college. It's enough to get me back into workout mode and excited about it again. I have only lost a few pounds going by the scale - and I'd noticed that my pants were loose...but actually fitting into smaller sizes somehow makes it "real."

Anyway, we're on our way back to Chicago in the morning. Because Rachael and Aaron have an important class tomorrow morning, we'll be at the Nashville airport at about 6:30 or so. Our flight leaves at 10:30. Luckily we brought plenty of stuff to do. I can work on homework and Mike has my PSP and John Gardner books to read. (He read Bill Bryson on the way down).

I should go to bed now, I suppose. It's going to be a long day tomorrow. Up early, a wait at the airport, flight home, traveling back to the apartment and then I have to go to class. Nice. I'll should sleep good tomorrow night.

See you on the flip side.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweeeet! Congratulations! And I know what you mean about it feeling 'real'. When you don't see or feel results for a while, it seems like, "What am I doing this for??" We should go walking together or ...just hang out and play Pong! (That's priceless! heheheh!) I laughed when I read that. Pong is the best.
Love yew.