
Seacrest, out!

Wish I had TiVo about now. I only caught the first and last half-hour or so of American Idol. Because of Cindi's late work schedule, I had to pick her up tonight in the middle of the show.

Paula and Randy must have been high for sending that Dancing Dave or Crazy Dave through to Hollywood. Alls I know, that was some crazy dancin. The twins from Inkster were excellent. Can't wait to see the openly gay black guy sing "Ain't no mountain high enough" tomorrow.

I did catch the premiere of "Love Monkey" tonight. The title of the show sounds silly, but I thought it was enjoyable nonetheless. It's about an A&R rep for a NY record label. In the first show, he gets dumped by his girlfriend and loses his job at Goliath Records. Ouch!

The seemingly Herculean task of cleaning out the office is finished. Well, almost. All of the crap is in boxes in the closet now and Cindi just needs to decide what stays and what goes. Next, I'm going to find a cheap tv off of craigslist and get a second dish hook-up so I can watch sports, play video games, and not have to watch Law and Order and/or CSI every waking moment. ;)

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