
Images by Lyric Roy

These pictures were all taken by our friend Sarah's three year old daughter, Lyric - without any adult assistance. It was quite amusing to see this little girl carting around my huge camera, which is almost as big as she is. When she put the strap around her neck and let it dangle, it would almost touch the floor. Mike taught her to hold it and tell the subject to "say cheese!" Then she would tell us how she wanted us to pose for the next time - very grown-up, she'd click her tongue and say, "Ok - this time you give her a kiss." or whatever she wanted us to do. Too cute. Then she'd take the picture and say, "Oh, yeah. That's a good one."

Admittedly, there were some that didn't come out this well, but I was quite impressed! Mike says he's going to sign her up for the Scott Potter School of Photography.

1 comment:

SaNdY said...

Lyric did a great job with those photos :D