
Do Not Pass Go

Ok, so Mike tried to get me arrested yesterday. We stopped at Target on our way home from work. After looking around for a bit, I headed for the check-out with the one item I needed to pay for. One. Seeing a short line, I immediately headed for it. Apparently, another woman had the same idea I had and was none too please when I got there a few seconds before she did. She made her distaste incredibly clear and spoke to her friend in a rapid burst of Polish. I barely restrained from telling her off by humming a little song in my head that went something like, "I will not get in a fight at Target." to the tune of the William Tell Overture.

I could not, however, refrain from commenting angrily about her to Mike as we went down the stairs towards our car. I said something like, "Yeah, go ahead and comment to your friend in Polish like I don't know exactly what you're talking about." I had a nice little head of angry steam going and when Mike said, "Yeah. I thought I heard her say 'kurwa' in there somewhere." I think that the people in the store could literally hear the *snap* as I freaking lost it. Kurwa is a very, very nasty word in Polish. That bi-otch was going down. I had literally taken a couple of steps back towards her when I realized that Mike was kidding.

He thought it was hilarious. I was not as amused. :D


Football and Fried Rice said...

SASS-y. I love it!!! Keep practicing your Polish!!

Charlie said...

I about fell out of my chair laughing - You are definately your mother's daughter!

Kelly said...


Unknown said...

kurwa? Never heard of that word, or anyone I know using it (not that I'm an expert!) So, can you describe what it means? I would like to know a bad word in Polish to use on my Polish friends (in jest, of course!) And I'm proud of you for curtailing your emotions!!! :o)
love ya!

SaNdY said...

Whoa, sounds like there was nearly a throw down at Target!! And the picture with this post is the one I was talking to you about...I really like this picture of you 2!