
Melrose Place - the next generation

We got a call on the machine while we were visiting Michigan this weekend. We've got the place on Melrose and we're a go for move-in. Huzzah!

The par-tay is on. We expect gifts of an extra-fine caliber. You will not be admitted on our new premises if you bear a less than stellar addition to our household. Oh, and by the way, people - I'm still holding out for a Brita Water faucet filter thing. Don't be cheap! Heh. If I don't get one soon, I will be forced to buy it myself (totally unacceptable, by the way) but I will do so if absolutely necessary. Of course then I will hunt you all down and slap each and every one of you upside the head with it. I (probably) know where you live. Let's face it, I think about a quarter of my readership died with my mom - so it's not hard to track down the other three. You know who you are.

Wow - I REALLY need to go to bed. I'm starting to get slap happy and goofy. I'll post more later (if you're lucky) - I just wanted to spread good news for once!



Anonymous said...

Congratulations kiddo - so when is moving day? I want to make sure I'm out of the country lol.

Anonymous said...

'The Adventures of Mike and Cindi at Melrose Place'...sounds like an interesting reality show!! I think you need to include that Brita Water Filter on your future baby registry...in fact, if you get pregnant before my next birthday, I'll buy you the dang thing!! Hahahahaha!!! Love you!!