
When it rains....

What the heck is going on! Three months - nothing. Nobody seems interested in my stupendous, fabulous job skills. All of a sudden, I've hit the lottery. Not that I'm complaining...it's just weird!

Today I had an interview with the City Colleges of Chicago. It went alright. I can never tell if I've impressed them. Every time I think I've made my mark and they like me, they never call. But I had an interview, I like the job that is open and I'm hoping.

I have another interview on Monday with a law firm. It's just an average everyday clerical job but it's got a decent salary, which is what I'm looking for. Plus I think there's a good chance that if I get this job, I can work my way into the researching side of the practice, which is where I'd like to be.

THEN, I got letter of interest from another law firm today. This job is on the research side of the firm and I REALLY want them to write me back and ask me for an interview. We'll see. :D

On my way home from my interview today, I got sick. When it's too warm on the bus/train, I get motion sick and I'm pretty sure that's what's going on here. I managed to hold in the "ick" until I got off the bus. I started to walk up the block to my house and threw up. Then I walked a few more steps and threw up again. One more time a little further up the block and I was home. I tried to be discreet about it and I tried to aim off of the sidewalk. Anyways, I got home and hung up my new power suit, which is bee-ee-ay-you-teeful. Then I laid down and I feel a lot better now. BUUUUUUUUUT, I'm afraid that I've caught a touch of a flu bug and I'm afraid to do too much. (Nobody get their hopes up, I'm not pregnant.)

Anyway, I think I'm going to take a nap and try to feel 100% before the end of the day.



Anonymous said...

You know me too well...when I read that you 'urped' a few times, my mind immediately went into pre-grandma mode, I started to think, 'Boy? Girl? Maybe I can stop at Babies R Us on the way home from work, etc....'
Now, I'm just hoping you feel better! 'Grandma' can wait a while longer....but not too long!

Anonymous said...

i was thinking...cindi, lay off the jack daniels so early in the morning. :)

he he.

anyway! good luck with the interviews!!!! i will send you loads of happy thoughts!!! no 'ick' thoughts!!!