
A postponement

Well, the "walk every day" regime has been postponed a day or two because I'm still in the grip of this wicked cold. I might try walking around a block or something but anything further than that and I'm coughing like a 3 pack a day smoker.

Wicked...that's such a fun word to me thanks to Good Will Hunting. "My boy's wicked smaht."

What else? Oh yeah...I had my appeals hearing with the unemployment office today. It was quite a shock to me since I hadn't known I was HAVING a hearing today - luckily it was by telephone and I was able to conduct it while wearing my pajamas. It was supposed to be at 11:30 but the guy called and asked if I'd like to have it early and I was starting to freak out because I thought I had to be downtown. The guy told me that it was a phone hearing (which I never heard of before) and I felt like an idiot for a minute. Anyway, the guy was quite affiable and the interview was quick. He went over the job search list I had and asked me if I had any restrictions that would limit my ability to look for work. I didn't. He'll make a decision today and mail out the decision tomorrow. So I'll know something in a day or two, theoretically.

The reason that this has been such a trial is because my employer called the state of IL and told them that I was attempting to defraud them. LIARS!!! They said that they had offered me classes and I refused to work and instead applied for unemployment. Mike and I talked about it and have decided that I will not be signing a contract to teach with them again. I am instead devoting myself to finding a full-time job asap. It was a tough decision. Well, it was and it wasn't. After they pulled this stunt (which could have gotten me in REALLY big trouble - In the extreme, I could have actually gone to jail if the state had decided to pursue it criminally) the last place I wanted to be was back working for them. But I had to be a grown up and think about paying bills. Luckily I have Mike, whose income pays our rent, utilities etc. Also luckily because he was so outraged on my behalf that he flat out refused to consider me going back to work for them. The fact is, I haven't been happy there for some time. I was hoping to find another job anyway. If I sign a contract with them, I'm stuck with them for another year. They don't pay well for the amount of work that is required of me, I've been physically threatened by students and have noticed the lack of administrative support when I try and set rules in my classroom. I'm not saying it's going to be easy. We'll be skating the thin edge for awhile - but we've got some savings and I'm going to be working my butt off to find a job. If I send out a hundred applications then surely one of them has to pay off, right? I hope so. Wish me luck!


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